Recovery Plan

A New Recovery Plan

Over the past eight years the Recovery Team has worked tirelessly to review its progress and develop a new five year draft recovery plan for the cockatoo. The new draft plan is the fourth recovery plan for the species, and provides recovery objectives and actions for a five year period commencing 2021. The plan sets out a long-term, 50 year, objective for recovery of the sub-species, and two short-term, 5 year, objectives to meet the short term needs of the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo while attending to long-term rehabilitation of essential habitats. 

The long-term, 50 year objective of the recovery program is: to have sufficient Buloke, stringybark and eucalypt woodland habitats to sustain a stable viable population of South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos. The recovery strategy to meet the long-term objective will continue to involve:                                                                                                                                                     <
  • Minimising losses of current habitats
  • Establishing new habitat areas, through natural recruitment and large-scale strategic revegetation programs, to provide more habitat for the future
  • Maximising productivity of current habitats to minimise the impacts of habitat shortage
  • Managing direct threats to the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo to maintain capacity for the population to recover in the long-term.
The new recovery plan includes two primary objectives and two supporting objectives to progress the long-term recovery strategy for the cockatoo over the next five years.  The primary objectives aim to directly support the long-term recovery strategy, while the supporting objectives are required to support the delivery of the primary objectives and the recovery program. These include:

Objective 1 (primary). To achieve sufficient gains in the extent of feeding and nesting habitats to support the long-term recovery objective.

Objective 2 (primary). To effectively manage the most significant short-term threats to recruitment of South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos.

Objective 3 (supporting). Ensure landscape-scale delivery through strong linkages among recovery program partners and the community.

Objective 4 (supporting). Ensure effective and adaptive implementation.

The new draft recovery plan is currently undergoing internal consultation, and is expected to be released and available for public comment in the near future.

To view the previous 2007-12 National Recovery Plan for the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksi graptogyne) click here.

Please also refer to the Background and implementation for the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksi graptogyne).
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