Help our Red-tails

Fence off existing stands of Stringybark and Buloke and scattered paddock trees on your property, to protect from stock damage and to allow for natural regeneration.

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Incentives for nests

Incentive payments are again being offered to landholders and members of the public for the discovery of new nests sites as part of the Red-tail Nest Incentive Scheme.

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Join the count

Although we can’t guarantee you’ll see a Red-tail on the day, we’re sure you’ll enjoy a fun day out in the bush searching for our colourful cockatoos.

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New Observation & Photography Guidelines for Red-tails

New guidelines have been developed for the safe observation and photography of Red-tails.


The observation and photography guidelines for the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo have been developed to guide and provide important information for the ethical observation and photography of Red-tails.

Red-tails are very wary birds that can easily be distributed, particularly during the nesting season. The impacts of this disturbance can be very serious with the worst outcome being the loss of nestlings.

The following guidelines provide a list of recommendations to follow when observing and photographing nesting and feeding birds.

To view the guidelines please click here.

For more information please contact the Project Coordinator on 1800 262 062 or email

Redtail News