Help our Red-tails

Fence off existing stands of Stringybark and Buloke and scattered paddock trees on your property, to protect from stock damage and to allow for natural regeneration.

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Incentives for nests

Incentive payments are again being offered to landholders and members of the public for the discovery of new nests sites as part of the Red-tail Nest Incentive Scheme.

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Join the count

Although we can’t guarantee you’ll see a Red-tail on the day, we’re sure you’ll enjoy a fun day out in the bush searching for our colourful cockatoos.

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South East Field Days - March 21 & 22

The South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Project will again be attending the 36th Annual South East Field Days at Yakka Park, Lucindale on the 21 & 22 March 2014.

Project staff, volunteers and recovery team members will be available over both days to answer any questions you may have about the cockatoo and its recovery. Visitors to the site will have the opportunity to learn more about Red-tails through our interpretative displays and how they can become involved in recovery activities for the cockatoo, such as the 2014 annual cocky count.

This year you will find us at our usual site (383) on Wilson Street. Just look for our flying Red-tail Flags. We will also be showcasing all of our coin competition winner’s artwork and handing out information booklets, balloons and stickers for the kids. Red-tail kites will also be again available for purchase at a cost of $20 each.
So come along and visit us at site 383! We look forward to seeing you there.

Redtail News