
Have you seen any Red-tails?

Have you seen any Red Tails?
The Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo annual count is fast approaching and the Recovery Team need to know where the birds are. 

Each year at this time we ask the public to help us locate Red-tails to make sure they are included in the annual count. The birds range extends from Keith down to Nelson and from Lucindale across to Balmoral. It’s an area far too big for our team to cover alone and so we need as many sightings as we can from the local community to make sure that we have volunteers in place for the count on Saturday May 5th.”
While it is often hard to find Red-tails, it’s easy to record a sighting. Simply phone 1800 262062 or look under the menu item 'Get Involved' on the home page. You can also use these contacts if you would like to take part in the count or if you just want to know more of what is involved.
If you’re not sure what a Red-tail looks or sounds like, click the tab ‘Hear the difference between a Red-tail and a Yellow-tail Black-Cockatoo‘ on the home page for a recording of the Red Tail call, it’s quite different to any other bird.
Since 1996 hundreds of volunteers have enjoyed searching stringybark forests across the bird’s range for the magnificent Red-tail. Landholders with stringybark on their properties are also encouraged to participate, counting Red-tails found on their property. Volunteers are allocated an area, driving along tracks stopping at regular intervals to listen for the bird’s distinctive call.
This year a camp-out will be held at Bailey’s Rocks, near Dergholm in Victoria. Volunteers are invited to converge at Bailey’s Rocks for dinner on Saturday night. The annual count, will be held on Saturday 5th May 2012.

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